Recipe: Yummy Protein packed banana bread

Protein packed banana bread. Calling all banana bread lovers, this smoothie is for you! It also contains lots of fiber and leafy greens so you can enjoy every sip guilt-free. These Healthy Banana Protein Muffins are the perfect nutritious breakfast!

Protein packed banana bread Unfortunately, due to my dairy allergy I can't do either so instead I've created a couple adaptations based off of Brittany's banana bread recipe that are dairy free and. This high protein banana bread made with chocolate protein powder and oat flour is perfect for a quick breakfast or afternoon snack. Try this healthier protein packed banana bread recipe when you have over-ripe bananas and a craving for a treat. You can cook Protein packed banana bread using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Protein packed banana bread

  1. You need 2 each of banana.
  2. Prepare 3/4 cup of egg whites.
  3. You need 1/2 cup of greek yogurt.
  4. It's 3/4 cup of grated oats.
  5. It's 6 tbsp of protein powder.
  6. Prepare 3 tbsp of honey.
  7. You need 1 tsp of baking powder.
  8. You need 1 tsp of baking soda.

Features whole grains and less sugar. However, most banana bread recipes call for white flour, a fair amount of sugar and lack much nutrition other than ALL the carbs! Protein is an important part of your diet and complements your workout routine. Find the best high protein recipes here like this banana bread.

Protein packed banana bread step by step

  1. preheat oven 350..
  2. mix ingredients. spray pan with nonstick spray. pour into pan. bake 15 minutes.

Chocolate Salted Caramel Protein Banana Bread. Since I keep a bag of frozen bananas at the ready for smoothies, I thawed out a couple of them and made these Banana Bread Gingersnap Protein Muffins. They're all delicious and a perfect example of how absolutely AMAZING gluten-free, protein-rich, and fiber-packed banana bread can be. Getting more protein into your diet is important when you are trying to bulk up for summer. Instead of cutting the carbs, replacing flour in banana bread with Muscle MLK protein powder will add extra protein into your diet and reduce the amount of overall carbs.

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